About sleep disorders

Each of us will spend about 27 years of our lifetime sleeping. When you sleep, your body rests and restores its energy levels. However, sleep is an active state that affects both your physical and mental well-being. A good night's sleep is often the best way to help you cope with stress, solve problems, or recover from illness.

1/3 part of the population has sleep disorder. Sleep disorders involve any difficulties related to sleeping, including difficulty falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at inappropriate times, excessive total sleep time, or abnormal behaviours associated with sleep. A sleep disorder can be frustrating – and may even lead to poor performance on the job, at school or in the home environment.

Even the representatives of the traditional medical science agree on the topic that sleep disorders are alarm signals of our body, with which the psyche tries to call attention to its overload. The majority of the sleep disorders provenly have their psychosomatic origin. The phenomena of sleep disorders cannot be explained by physical sickness. And what stands behind the sleep disorders: The given person cannot cope with the daily stress and cannot switch of after work or after any other occupation. The phantom of nights have been spent awake threats twice as much women as men.

Recommended therapies: Relaxation techniques, Autogenic training, Hypnosis